110. The maintenance program must include(1) an estimate of the expected reserve volume for the accumulation of sediments in the water and sediment accumulation and, where applicable, the microbasin and the pretreatment work;
(2) the expected number of years of operation without maintenance of the dry retention system, expressed in years, established using equation 4-9:Equation 4-9: N = VMES/(Msed. × Aimp × P/100)
where: | N | = | Estimate of the expected number of years or operation without maintenance (year): minimum value: 1; |
| VMES | = | Reserve volume for the accumulation of sediments in the dry retention system (m3); |
| Msed. | = | Volume of sediments produced per year per hectare (m3/year/ha): minimum value: 0.68; |
| Aimp | = | Area of impervious surfaces drained to the dry retention system (ha); |
| P | = | Suspended matter reduction performance determined in accordance with figure 4.2 (%); |
(3) the need to proceed with the maintenance of the water and sediment accumulation zone where(a) the accumulation of sediments reaches the mark affixed on the sediment level indicator;
(b) water remains present 72 hours after the end of the rain event and no other rain event has occurred during that period;
(4) the need to proceed, where applicable, with the maintenance of the pretreatment work where(a) the accumulation of sediments reaches the mark affixed on the sediment level indicator;
(b) water remains present 24 hours after the end of a rain event and no other rain event has occurred during that period;
(5) the water discharge curve of the retention system according to the water level;
(6) the curve describing the volume of storage according to the water level;
(7) the water level from which the dry retention system overflows at its lowest point.